Bring the Dekoni Comfort to your DT Series Beyerdynamic Headphones.
Dekoni Audio - Headphone Pads for Beyerdynamic DT 770/880/990 (standard)
Dekoni Audio wanted to design an ear pad that is both comfortable and has excellent sound isolation qualities.
What theycame up with is their Platinum Protein Leather collection that is made from high tech memory foam wrapped in the finest, softest leather we could find. This is all to insure a tight, well isolated fit for your current headphones and are designed to bring you closer to what it is you are listening to and allow you to listen longer.
The idea for a memory foam pad came to them in bed one night. Why not create a pad that will actually conform to the shape of your head while allowing for excellent sound isolation and proper headphone speaker alignment? Normal pads can leak sound and don't always allow for anomalies in the different head shapes found around the world but the Platinum protein leather collection from Dekoni Audio allows for that and more.
Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro
Beyerdynamic Custom Studio